Paco del Valle
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The world calls for a pluralistic philosophy and culture. Paco Del Valle seeks to transcend all limitations, including those of biology and culture yearns, and its labor is the propagation of the Universal spirit: the sentiment of coherence and unity.

His art explores the biomorphical abstraction of life , an amalgamation of nature, geography and climate. His  organic forms are in evolution a term used to describe the change in form or kind of life that is observed to occur over time.

His music rejects the forms and sororities of traditional music  and structural coherence in favor of exploring polytonal  and atonal dimensions or sacred compositions with new sound combinations. His soundcapes (sound landscapes) are exquisite works, a rich tapestry of music tonalities and electronic sounds.

L'Europe s'oriente vers un pluralisme à la fois philosophique et culturel. Dans ce courant, Paco del Valle cherche à transcender certaines frontières, faisant se rejoindre biologie et culture. Son expression, toujours à la jonction du figuratif et de l'abstraction, devient ainsi quasi viscérale, organique, d'où émergent aussi impressions de nature, de reliefs, de climats.

Comme sa peinture et sa sculpture, sa musique, dans des compositions polytonales exprimées en sonorités électroniques, rejette la ”cohérence structurelle des formes traditionnelles”.

Sa recherche, exploration s'inscrivant dans une quête d'unité, nous livre une riche palette de tonalités où se combinent spatialités, textures, couleurs musicales et tonalités colorées, renouvelées, réinventées par un esprit qui doit l'essentiel de sa créativité à la constante du génie catalan.

Gilbert Cordier, architec

A b o u t   m y   W o r k

When reality is decoding and using language in a system of sings, or in the case of art which incites the sensations and whose purpose is to provoke the aesthetic experience, we are presented with organized forms of communication.  That makes possible the interpretation of the messages and the understanding of ones daily life.  The stipulation to look deeply into these mechanisms in order to elaborate on my own personal language was the inception of 15 years of research to construct new visual experiences.


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